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来源:上海雅兰广告有限公司-最好报纸电视广告传媒公司!! 发布时间:2011-12-06 14:10:09 查看次数:17096
推及的受众  Projected audience
The size of an audience estimated to exist in the population, based on sample information.
晚间边缘时段(黄金时段最末的时段)  Late fringe
In television, a daypart just after the late local news(11pm EST).
网下节目  Off-network Programs
Programs originally produced to air on a major broadcast network, now being sold in syndication.
未经加权的样本  Unweighted in-tab
The actual number of individuals in different demographic groups who have returned usable information to the ratings company.
无线网络  Unwired networks
Organizations that acquire commercial time (usually in similar types of programming) from stations around the country and package that time for sale to advertisers.
循环  Circulation
The total number of unduplicated audience members exposed to a media vehicle (e.g. newspaper station) over some specified period.
相关性  Correlation
A statistic that measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. It may range in value from +1.O to-1.0, with O indicating no relationship.
系统抽样  Systematic sample
A kind of probability sample in which a set interval is applied to a list often population to identity elements included in the sample (e.g., picking every 10th name).
有线电视系统  Cable system
A video distribution system that uses coaxial cable and optical fiber to deliver multichannel service to households within a geographically defined franchise area.
有线电视渗透  Cable penetration
The extent to which households in a given market subscribe to cable service. Typically expressed as the percent of all TV households that subscribe to basic cable.
有效暴露  Effective exposure
A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective. Often used interchangeably with the term effective frequency.
有效样本量  ESS (Effective Sample Size)
The size of a simple random sample needed to produce the same result as the sample actually used by the rating company. ESS is a convenience used for calculating confidence intervals. Also called effective sample base, or ESB.
沿袭效应  Inheritance effect
A common phenomenon of television audience behavior in which the audience for one program is disproportionately represented in the audience of the following program. Sometimes called lead-in effects, audience inheritance can be thought of as a special case of channel loyalty.
预先占有  Preempt
An action, taken by an affiliate, in which programming fed by a network is replaced with programming scheduled by the station. Certain types of commercial time can also be preempted by advertisers willing to pay a premium for the spot.
样本  Sample
A subset of some population.
样本加权  Sample weighting
The practice of assigning different mathematical weights to various subsets of the in-tab sample in an effort to correct for different response rates among those subsets. Each weight is the ratio of the subset's size in the population to its size in the sample.
溢出  Spill
The extent to which nonmarket stations are viewed by local audiences, or local stations are viewed by audiences outside the market.
置信度  Confidence level
In probability sampling, a statement of the likelihood that a range of values (i.e. confidence interval) will include the true population value.
总暴露频次  Gross impressions
The number of times an advertising schedule is seen over time. The number of gross impressions may exceed the size of the population since audience members may be duplicated.
总视听率点  GRP (Gross Rating Point)
The gross impressions of an advertising schedule expressed as a percentage of the population. GRPs are commonly used to describe the size or media weight of an advertising campaign. GRPs=Reach ×Frequency.
最低报告标准(MRS)  Minimum reporting standard
The number of listening or viewing mentions necessary for a station or program to be included in a ratings report.
窄播  Narrowcasting
A programming strategy in which a station or network schedules content of the same type or appealing to the same subset of the audience.
重复收视  Repeat viewing
A study repeating the procedures of an early study to assess the stability of results. In audience measurement, replications involve drawing subsamples from a parent sample to assess sampling err
总体受众  Total audience
All those who tune to a program for at least 5 minutes. Essentially, it is the cumulative audience for a long program or miniseries.
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